How the ACCI contributes to the performance of lawyers operating in Africa

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[ACCI-CAVIE] The African Centre for Competitive Intelligence plays an increasingly important role in developing the skills and improving the performance of African lawyers by providing them with a range of services and tools tailored to their specific needs.

According to Dr. Guy Gweth, president of the African Centre for Competitive Intelligence, “When the ACCII began offering workshops and studies on the challenges and opportunities of the African legal market, publishing notes and monographs on the strategic role of legal intelligence in global competition, and promoting the grouping of the best lawyers on the continent to reach a respectable critical mass, it attracted and retained the attention of major law firms active in Africa.”

On a daily basis, the African Centre for Competitive Intelligence (ACCI) activates several levers to concretely and measurably contribute to enhancing the performance of lawyers operating in African markets.

Building competitive intelligence skills

As part of its Capacity Building Program for public and private decision-makers, created in partnership with Knowdys Consulting Group and BVMW Afrika, the ACCI offers high-level specialized training on competitive intelligence tailored to the needs of lawyers. The sessions cover topics such as information collection and analysis, strategic monitoring, risk management, and decision-making. Lawyers acquire methods, tools, and documentary resources to assist them in conducting their own research and analysis.

Enhanced understanding of African markets

Upon request, the ACCI provides lawyers, as well as bankers, insurers, and microfinance actors, with sectoral analyses and in-depth market studies on different countries and regions in Africa. This information helps lawyers better understand the legal and economic environments in which they operate and identify potential business opportunities for their clients. The ACCI also organizes networking dinners and conferences to connect lawyers with experts and key players in the African economic world.

Developing sector-specific legal expertise

With several specialists in public and private law among its members, the ACCI aims to collaborate more closely with lawyers’ associations and legal institutions to develop even more specialized training programs in specific legal areas such as legal intelligence, normative and case law monitoring, business law, tax law, labour law, or environmental law. According to Dr. Gweth, the head of the ACCI, “These programs will enable lawyers to acquire in-depth knowledge and develop sharper skills in current areas of expertise that are relevant to their clients.”

Facilitating access to legal information

In the document database on its website, the ACCI has undertaken to integrate laws, regulations, case law, and other relevant legal resources, such as investment codes and mining codes from various African countries. Over time, this platform will facilitate access to legal information for lawyers operating in Africa, saving them time and improving the quality of their services on the continent.

Promoting collaboration and expertise sharing

Through major local and international events organized annually, such as the African Competitive Intelligence Days or the Festival de l’intelligence économique francophone (Francophone Festival of Competitive Intelligence), the ACCI provides opportunities for lawyers and other legal professionals to meet and foster the sharing of expertise and best practices. These discussions allow lawyers to mutually enrich their knowledge and experiences and develop synergies to better meet the needs of their African clients in an ultra-competitive environment.

In summary, by providing them with in-depth investigative reports, strategic intelligence briefs, and quick alerts on topics with legal ramifications on the continent, the ACCI contributes to the competitiveness of lawyers active in African markets in a measurable way.

The Editorial Team